Michelle Warren


Michelle grew up in a small town in Wisconsin. She is married to her youth-group sweetheart, Erich and they have 3 children Ethan, Maggie, and Elijah. Michelle is a certified high school teacher and principal. She has also coached gymnastics, swimming, and basketball. Michelle and Erich recently moved from Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea back to Houston, their 15th move. Michelle has led bible studies in Germany, Russia and Papua New Guinea and has been a member and volunteer with Bible Study Fellowship. Over the years, Michelle has learned to quickly adapt, dig deep and make meaningful connections with people as her family travels. After losing their 4th child, Michelle has been challenged and pushed by God to walk alongside those who are in crisis and hurting. Michelle loves learning and walking through scripture with others, digging deep into challenging passages and even having the occasional debate. During their leisure time, Michelle, her family and their beloved dog usually travel to visit family, including Erich’s parent’s ministry in Juarez, MX.