Leader Training Materials
Welcome! We are thankful that you are leading a small group through our study of Exodus: God’s People Redeemed. The small group leader plays a significant role in the health and productivity of a group, so we have created resources to contribute to the training of those leaders and to assist them in the facilitation of their small group discussions each week.
Our Leader Materials consists of two resources:
First, a Leader Training Guide. This guide provides general leader training material. It is designed to give an in-depth understanding of our Bible study process, an overview of the role of a small group leader and to provide tips for leading a group well.
Second, a Small Group Discussion Guide. This resource consists of a breakdown of each week of study, including a subset of questions from the study guide that we believe will produce a fruitful discussion of each week’s material.
In addition to these Leader Materials, our Small Group Leader Training Video is available below.
Small Group Leader Training